HORNSBY Acupuncture &.Herbal Medicine Clinic

Dr Diana Deyi Hu (CM)
* Graduate Diploma of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, The University of Sydney, 2000
* Bachelor of Chinese Medicine, Beijing University of Chinese Medicine, 1995
* Clinical Internship Guang An Men Hospital Beijing, China
* Attending Doctor No.1 People's Hospital WuHu Anhui, China
* Senior Lecturer SITCM (Sydney Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
* Accredit Member AACMA
* Registed Acupuncturist AHPRA
* Registed Chinese medicine Practitioner AHPRA
Being the 6th generation in her family majored in Chinese Herbal Medicine, Dr. Diana Deyi Hu is specialised in gynecological diseases, infertility and post-treatment cancer management.
In order to provide better treatment to the patients, she undertook a research based graduate study at the Faculty of Pharmacy, USYD, with the topic of "Cytotoxic Agents from Natural Plants" and obtained extensive understanding of chemo-therapy drugs.
Dr. Diana Deyi Hu is the general secretary of the Australian Asian Cultural association and is actively involved in several women support programs to help disadvantaged women from Asian background.
She is also a enthusiastic supporter of women with cancer. She founded "The Pink Butterfly Dance Group" to provide well designed dance training in a friendly environment for women to release pressure and relax.